британские кошки в Ярославле

My name is Olga and I am pleased to welcome You to the website of cattery of British Shorthair cats "the Dandy Club", the owner of which I am. Our cattery is registered in FIFE and situated in Yaroslavl.

The first British kitten we had in 2007. We visited a cat show and returned home with a gorgeous baby, which eventually turned into a gorgeous "Teddy" beauty with bright orange eyes. Since then my heart is full of love for the Brits - this is breathtakingly beautiful, impressive and surprisingly smart cats.

In the cattery is working with the classic colors of the breed – blue and purple, as we believe that, despite the new trends in colors other Brits - no one has been able to push off the pedestal these huge, spectacular, impressive blue bears with magnetic eyes. Large, glossy, shimmering silver coat, British cats invariably General admiration. And when we are faced with the challenge of how to call the dog – the name came by itself – of course "Dendy Club", which means "Club dandies". The primary objective of the nursery is getting kittens good breed type, strong, with good bone, short, padded coat and a stable psyche. To this end, we carefully select manufacturers. In the nursery there are British Shorthairs and British cats bred in our kennel and imported from the best kennels in Europe. All cats have a successful show career, repeatedly became the winners of the rings and best of breed at international exhibitions.

We do not accept the cellular content of animals and our kittens will never be sold to stay in the cage. From birth, the kittens live with us, surrounded by love and care. They are fully adapted to cohabitation with humans and are pleasant companions.

Our cattery is small and substantially increase the number of Pets in it, is not included as it is important for us comfortable living animals, which can not provide the large nurseries. But despite this, the British kittens from our cattery live in Russia and abroad.

If You are our soul mate and love this amazing and beautiful breed of cat - British Shorthair – we are happy to make new friends and open to communication.

With best wishes,
Olga Korableva

We have available British kittens

DoB: 09.12.2020

Sir:  Zedas Kates Akis*LT

Dame: Allure’s Thais Athens

There are 5 British kittens

DoB: 15.11.2020

Sir:  Zedas Kates Akis*LT

Dame: Wivienn Woitti

There are 4 British kittens

DoB: 04.11.2020

Sir:  Zedas Kates Akis*LT

Dame: Maya Dandy Club*RU

There are 4 British kittens

How to buy British kittens

Kittens are going into a new house at the age not earlier than 3 months, vaccinated and socially acceptable – accustomed to independent food, litter box and scratching post.

All kittens are sold with documents and Contract that defines the rights and obligations of the Breeder and the Buyer.

The Deposit for a kitten is entered in the amount of from 30 to 50% of the cost of a kitten. In case of refusal of a kitten from the Buyer the amount of the Deposit is not refundable and kitten up for sale.

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FIFe registration

Our cattery is registered in the international felinological organization FIFe, all kittens have a pedigree of this system.

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Titled British cats

Our cattery regularly takes part in cat shows, our British cats have high titles that confirm the high quality of our cattery's cats.

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All conditions for kittens

Our British kittens grow and develop with us and are surrounded by special care and love. They are fully adapted for living together with people and are pleasant companions.

kitten ben

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